We’re passionate about helping you make an impact.
Origin of the Louisiana School Facility Managers Association (LSFMA)
In the spring semester of 1991, Dr. Edward F. Zuber, an Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Louisiana at Monroe (then Northeast Louisiana University) convened a meeting of 18 school facility managers from throughout Louisiana at the Holiday Inn in Monroe. Dr. Zuber had been previously communicating with these men by telephone and fax concerning the possibility of meeting and creating a statewide organization that would exchange information, promote acceptable practices and standards, and ultimately improve school facility management in Louisiana. After this meeting, the Louisiana School Facility Managers Association (LSFMA) was created. In January 1994, Joe Bourque, a facility manager from Jefferson Davis Parish, was elected President of the organization.
The LSFMA holds two meetings a year, one in the fall and one in the spring. At the spring meeting vendors are invited to display their equipment and supplies. The fall conference is the annual business meeting where speakers from state and regional agencies present to the members.
Louisiana School Facility Managers Association Constitution and Bylaws
This organization shall be known as the LOUISIANA SCHOOL FACILITY MANAGERS ASSOCIATION, synonymously referred to as LSFMA.
In the interest of enhancing and promoting the educational process, the purpose of this Association shall be:
(1) To provide for the exchange of information that will improve school facility management, maintenance and care by promoting acceptable policies, standards and practices. and
(2) To promote the professional advancement of school facility management personnel.
The Association shall have four classes of members: ACTIVE, COMMERCIAL, LIFETIME, and CHARTER.
(1) ACTIVE: All persons engaged in school facility management activities, at both the state and local levels, including, but not limited to planning, construction and maintenance or custodial activities, are eligible for active membership in this Association. This shall include individuals employed as school/college administrators, directors or supervisors, members of boards of instruction and other involved employees. An active member is a member with voting privileges.
(2) COMMERCIAL: Commercial membership shall be open to reputable business concerns. Commercial members may attend meetings of the Association, but may neither vote nor hold office. Examples of commercial members include Manufacturers and/or vendors that provide products to school systems. Vendor Booths are $600 for an exhibit booth and 2 attendees. Additional attendees are $25.00 per person.
(3) LIFETIME: Any active member in the LSFMA who retires from his/her position in a school system, may be awarded a lifetime membership in the Association by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at any regularly scheduled meeting. A lifetime member is a Board member with voting privileges.
(4) CHARTER: Any member who held membership when the organization (LSFMA) was created, and continues to hold membership is a charter member. A Charter member may be either an active member or may be given lifetime membership as approved by the Executive Board.
(1) ACTIVE: The dues of an Active Member shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00) per conference, and payment of such dues entitles each member to participate in the proceedings of the Association. Any active member attending for the first time will not be required to pay any dues.
(2) COMMERCIAL: The dues of a Commercial Member shall be one hundred dollars ($100.00) per conference. Payment of such dues entitles each Commercial Member access to attend the Conference.
(3) LIFETIME: No dues are required of Lifetime Members.
(4) REGISTRATION AND OTHER FEES: All other fees shall be determined by the Executive Committee.
(5) State Officials or Government Entities shall not require dues for attendance, but will be required to pay a meal fee as determined by the Executive Board.
(1) PRINCIPAL OFFICERS: The principal officers of the Association shall be a
President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. Their terms of office
shall be for two (2) years. The officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the present members of the Association at the annual Spring Conference.
(2) EXECUTIVE BOARD: The Executive Board shall consist of the current President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, Charter Members, four representatives elected at large from the active membership, and the five most recent Past Presidents. Two of the at large members to be elected on even years and two to be elected on odd number years, all of who will serve a term of two (2) Years.
(3) OFFICERS: An officer shall take office immediately after election and serve until successor has been elected. In the event the Presidency is vacated, the President-Elect will assume the responsibilities and duties of the Presidency until the end of his/her term.
(4) BOARD ADVISORS: A Board Advisor is a Past President, not on the Executive Board, who may attend Executive Board meetings, participate in discussion, but does not have voting privileges.
(1) PRESIDENT: The president shall set dates for and convene all meetings. He/she shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and the Association membership. He/She shall perform other duties that may be necessary for the conduct of this office. He/She shall have the authority to call emergency meetings of the Executive Board, and the general membership or to speak for the membership. He/She shall determine the location of the Spring Conference.
(2) PRESIDENT-ELECT: The President-Elect shall act for the President in his/her absence. He/she shall assist the President to coordinate conferences and board meetings as needed.
(3) SECRETARY: The secretary shall act as Membership Chairman of the Association. He/she shall mail out and receive all correspondence in reference to the Spring and Fall meetings, concerning Active, Life, Commercial, and Charter Members. He/she will give all monies collected to the Treasurer, for deposit in the LSFMA account. He/she is also responsible for assisting the President and President-Elect in the coordination of the Trade Show, which includes mailing correspondence to all vendors, making Name Tags, setting up Hospitality time, etc. He/she shall be responsible for registering members and vendors at each meeting.
(4) TREASURER: The treasurer shall serve as the financial officer of the organization. An account shall be established at a bank in the name of the Association. The treasurer shall, at the Spring and Fall meetings, submit a written copy of a financial report to the Executive Board. Also, the treasurer shall serve on the Membership Committee. The Treasurer shall be responsible for all payment records and invoicing. He/She shall act to enhance financial operations as approved by the Executive Board.
(5) Executive Board Members shall attend board meetings as required, assist with recruiting membership, and assist the President as needed to continue the growth and enhancement of the organization. Board Members are required to assist at Conferences to help provide a successful event.
Meetings of this Association shall be a Spring Conference that includes a vendor Trade Show. A Fall Conference, shall be held to provide networking and continuing education to the membership.
The Spring Conference location shall be determined by the President. The Fall Conference shall be held at a centrally located region in the state of Louisiana.
The Executive Board shall meet a minimum of (4) times per year. A board meeting shall be held the day before each conference. Two (2) other board meetings shall happen throughout the year as needed to discuss organizational business. These dates and locations shall be determined by the President.
Any amendments to this Constitution and these By-laws shall be submitted in writing to the Executive Board in the Spring meeting. The President shall then present the proposed amendment(s) to the Association at its regular scheduled Spring Business meeting for approval. Amendments may be adopted only upon a 2/3 majority vote of those members present and voting.
All exhibitors will comply with the exhibitor’s rules as established by the Executive Board and must pay a six hundred-dollar ($600.00) Vendor fee to participate in the Spring Trade Show.
The records for the LOUISIANA SCHOOL FACILITY MANAGERS ASSOCIATION are open to the public for inspection upon written request. The records shall be maintained by the Secretary and passed to his/her successor upon the completion of his/her term.
Awards may be presented to any active member of the Association for outstanding service.
(1) “ZUB” AWARD: The previous recipients of the “ZUB” Award will submit three (3) names of the active members who, in their opinion, are worthy of the Award. The nominees to be voted on at the Spring meeting and kept secret until presentation at the Fall meeting. Consideration will be given to Past Presidents as their term on the Executive Board expires. The Award to be presented to the nominee with a majority vote.
(2) OTHER AWARDS: The LSFMA Executive Board will advertise the availability of five (5) one-thousand-dollar scholarships each Spring to be awarded in August to eligible children/grandchildren of active members. The scholarships will be known as the
a. Edward Zuber Scholarship,
b. Joseph Bourque Scholarship,
c. Bobby Cage Scholarship,
d. Patrick Credeur Scholarship,
e. Jessie Oubre Scholarship
(3) If fewer than five (5) scholarships are awarded to high school graduates/first time recipients, then students currently enrolled in college and who are children/ grandchildren of an active member will become eligible to apply for the remainder of the available scholarships for that year, provided they have never received an LSFMA scholarship. Eligibility will be posted on the LSFMA website beginning on September 1st for students who wish to apply and are (must be) currently enrolled in a university or community college program. Students may only receive one LSFMA scholarship.
Application forms and directions are found on the LSFMA website.
(4) Once the application is received it is reviewed by the oversight of BR. Bob Cage and Kyle Bordelon. Once applications have been reviewed applicants shall receive notification of approval. If an application is not approved the applicant shall receive a letter that explains why the application has not been approved.